Client: Personal Project
Made with: Microsoft Word
I am working on a passion project that introduces landscape geography to elementary school students. My intention is to provide engaging information that will introduce basic facts about a topic from nature. The assessment will be twofold, science and language arts (reading comprehension and writing)
Solution Developed
This lesson was created entirely from Wikipedia imagery and basic facts about mountains. I used gridlines and text boxes on Microsoft Word and added unique bullets that related to the subject matter. I maintained a black and white format for the text to allow the full color imagery to stand out.
Students will:
- Learn that mountains are enormous landforms found worldwide
- Become aware of the different ways mountains are formed
- Explore the unique wildlife and vegetation found in mountains.
- Recognize the cultural and recreational significance of mountains.
- Engage in discussions and reflections about mountains.
When the PDF double-sided lesson was presented to a focus group, it was very well received.
Please feel free to review the entire lesson yourself.
Lesson-Plan-Exploring-Mountains-of-the-World Final-print-project